Gaming Commission
Board of Commissioners
Larry Sisco
Commission Chairman
David Miller
Who We Are
The Tribal Gaming Commission is a 24 hour, 7 day a week operation dedicated to regulating all areas of the Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino per the Tribal Gaming Ordinance and Tribal/State Compact.
Our organization strives to establish an outstanding reputation in:
- Teamwork
- Professionalism
- Dedication
The Commission is made up of Tribal Commissioners appointed by the Tribal Council to oversee the Administrative support staff, Backgrounds, Surveillance, Internal Audit Activity, and the Compliance Departments whose job it is to "Protect the Tribal assets" by any means within its powers. The function of the commission is regulatory, not managerial, in nature. The Gaming Commission is charged with all Federal, State and Tribal regulatory requirements under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) enforced by the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) and the Tribal/State Compact and the Tribal Gaming Ordinance. In order to comply with all mandated regulations the commission is authorized to conduct audits and investigations within gaming operations, review and approve operational procedures and internal controls standards, and if necessary, take enforcement action on behalf of the Tribe.
Contact info
Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M-F Phone: 559-924-6948
Fax: 559-924-0610Click here to visit website