Early Education

Our Mission

We are a program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of Education Heath Nutritional and Social Services to all enrolled children and their families.

Our Philosophy

"We believe that children are our future. Children need to feel safe and have a safe place to explore and to develop their potential to the fullest degree possible within a safe and nurturing environment. We believe parents are the children’s primary educators of their children. All children need to be stimulated academically. They need to be exposed to age appropriate curriculum that will allow them to be successful. They need to be guided towards socially accepted behaviors. Children need to be children."

Our Programs

The Tachi Yokut Early Education Center is an Early Childhood program for our Tribal members, direct lineal descendants of Tribal members, lineal descendants of a Tribal member, Native American and our community members.

We offer two programs depending on birth dates and needs for children from 3- 5 years of age. We have two separate classrooms, one for 3 year olds and one for 4-5 year olds. The regular school year runs from August through May. These classes start at 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Fridays 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Our summer program runs from June until July and also has two classrooms. One for new incoming 3 year olds and one for the 4-5 year olds. All children must be potty trained.

Early Education Staff

Susan Philpott


Monica Morales

Admin. Asst.

Bernadette Garcia


Tachi-Yokut Early Education Contact Info.

16125 Alkali Drive
Lemoore, CA 93245

Phone: 559-924-8656
Fax: 559-924-9740